Wissensraum ‘Irreversibler Moment’

ARTIST: Jenny Brockmann

24 June – 24 July 2016
Schering Stiftung, Berlin

“The ‘Irreversible Moment’ is the point in a process after which nothing stays as it was before.” Berlin artist Jenny Brockmann uses these words to describe an instant, that is not easy to grasp, to which the exhibition Wissensraum ‘Irreversible Moment’ / Open Lab ‘Irreversible Moment’ at the Schering Stiftung is devoted. The exhibition, curated by Nora Mayr, presents Jenny Brockmann’s artistic research of several years for the first time, a work emerging from cooperation between interdisciplinary experts from the fields of chemistry, physics, dance, and music. The starting point of her research is the causation behind fundamental changes in structures, spaces, political and personal situations, and for the sociopolitical significance of the ‘Irreversible Moment’.

A project by Jenny Brockmann, curated by Nora Mayr, supported by Schering Stiftung. In cooperation with WILLMS NEUHAUS STIFTUNG – Chance and Creation, Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin-Tegel, Dr. Viktor Bedö (Tacit Dimension), Kevin Bethke (Institute of Chemistry, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Prof. Dr. Horst Bredekamp/Christina Landbrecht (Image Knowledge Gestaltung, Cluster of Excellence at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Markus Georg (art mediator), Franka Herwig (accordionist), Andreas Menzel (Institute of Physics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Jeremy Wade (dancer, choreographer).

CURATOR: Nora Mayr

Related Program
Please register under: anmeldung@scheringstiftung.de.

July 2, 2016, 4–7 p.m., Schering Stiftung
Working meeting “Chance and the ‘Irreversible Moment’” of the WILLMS NEUHAUS FOUNDATION – Chance and Creation
With: Prof. Dr. Horst Bredekamp

July 5, 2016, 7–9 p.m., Schering Stiftung
Public lecture evening: “Interpretations of the ‘Irreversible Moment’”
With: Franka Herwig, Kevin Bethke, Andreas Menzel, Jeremy Wade
Moderator: Christina Landbrecht

July 9, 2016, 2–5 p.m.
July 15, 2016, 4–7 p.m.
Interdisciplinary workshop “Field Research ‘Irreversible Moment’”
Workshop leader: Viktor Bedö
5 people can actively participate in the workshop (both dates required).

Jenny Brockmann, “Seat #12” with the research group ‘Irreversible Moment’, Schering Stiftung, 2016. Photo: Sebastian Mayer

Jenny Brockmann, exhibition view “Open Lab ‘Irreversible Moment’”, Schering Stiftung, 2016. Photo: Bernd Hiepe.

Jenny Brockmann, exhibition view “Open Lab ‘Irreversible Moment’”, Schering Stiftung, 2016. Photo: Bernd Hiepe.

Jenny Brockmann, exhibition view “Open Lab ‘Irreversible Moment’”, Schering Stiftung, 2016. Photo: Bernd Hiepe.

Jenny Brockmann, exhibition view “Open Lab ‘Irreversible Moment’”, Schering Stiftung, 2016. Photo: Bernd Hiepe.

Jenny Brockmann, exhibition view “Open Lab ‘Irreversible Moment’”, Schering Stiftung, 2016. Photo: Bernd Hiepe.

Jenny Brockmann, exhibition view “Open Lab ‘Irreversible Moment’”, Schering Stiftung, 2016. Photo: Bernd Hiepe.

Jenny Brockmann, exhibition view “Open Lab ‘Irreversible Moment’”, Schering Stiftung, 2016. Photo: Bernd Hiepe.